Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Another beautiful Ghazal by the one and only Hariharan Ji……..

And then to listen to this beautiful rendition of “Krishna nee begane baro” of this great vocalist, Hariharan, you can literally see the notes dancing.


I was listening to a Ghazal by Hariharan -‘JHOOM LE’ a beautiful ghazal from the Ghazal Album Kaash. Hariharan’s soulful music never fails to amaze me. I am not so familiar with Ghazals , but this one surely makes me feel the peace and tranquility.

Musical notes dance if we can watch them. Some go to watch a dance to watch the movements in the dance. I consider the notes – swaras of music themselves performing a dance. They twist and turn and slide and glide.

Swaras themselves are so expressive that each note has its own bhava, its own distinctive character and grace. It also depends on the performer, who will be able to bring out the best of the notes. Be it a vocalist or instrumentalist. If we can watch the fluid movements of these notes, we will truly understand the meaning of dance itself!

What wonder to be mesmerized by music and her greatest gift, her musicians! What astounding creators they are! They create such emotions in a person. Good music fills you up completely but at the same time leaves you with a longing for more.

Music – Food for the Soul……

Monday, July 27, 2009


Many people have many explanations about what dance is. The most remarkable explanation that I have ever heard was from my Teacher, Prem Rawat. These are not his exact words but this is what he meant.

True dance takes place when the heart is filled with such joy that it cannot contain itself and the body starts to move to the rhythm of the joy.

When the heart dances out of joy, the body starts to move and Real Dance happens. Otherwise everything else is just another form of exercise or movement of the limbs and body.

We would have found ourselves at some time in our lives, to have got up to dance when we felt real heartfelt joy. I have done that sometimes when I listened to some exceptionally beautiful music which invoked a joy and jubilation in my heart that all I could do was dance to its rhythm.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Moving on…......

Can I move on? That is the real challenge I am faced with in my life at every step of the way. At times this whole thing seems like a game. We are challenged after a couple of steps along the way in our journey of life. That too after we have settled and come to terms with almost most of the situations in our lives.

Many a times, I have this question, of what this whole thing is about! We are born, grow up the usual way and as most children do. Some children have more challenges than the others. Somehow we end up as what we are at the present stage in life after many falls, rises, challenges, hurts, happiness, joys etc.

Most of the time, we are so caught up with all the happenings around us that we get lost in acting or reacting relating to those situations.

Do we take time to pause and question, what this is all about? I don’t seem to be doing that when I am in the midst of all the melodramatic activities in my life. Only when I have passed them, do I pause and analyze, question and try to understand what it is all about. – And that too only sometimes!

We are always placed in a position of opposites in our lives. I get disappointed when I think that it is all about everything being black or white. Now I have come to understand that it is also about the grey areas, pale grey areas, white areas and not so white areas in the whole picture. It is also about the blues, greens, oranges, yellows, reds, the pinks, the mauves and all the different hues on the palette of color.

This art, this life, this being is just not about right and wrong. . I have come to understand along the way that this journey is about falling down, learning, waking up and walking forward. This journey is also about forgiving, forgetting and understanding. And this journey is about adjusting, letting go and accommodating. If I fail to understand this simple formula I will never be able to come to terms with life and will be stuck in the same hole again and again. I have learned that I need to let go and move on.

Finally it is all about moving on ………..

Friday, July 17, 2009

Why oh Why?

Teoh Boon Hock the political secretary of Seri Kembangan assemblyman Ean Yong Hian Wah, was taken in for questioning by the MACC at its 14th floor office in Plaza Masalam in Shah Alam.MACC said he was freed but his body was later found sprawled on the roof of a five-storey building next door.

‘Why would someone who is slated to get married tomorrow take his own life?’ This the question posed by Lim Kit Siang – the opposition DAP leader. Many questions are being asked, but will it bring him back to life. How will his family and his bride to be going to be consoled. Will they be able to come to terms with such a tragedy?

Why oh why?

What words,

What reasons to describe this death?

We have never met each other,

Nor have our paths ever crossed,

But my heart is in anguish.

Why oh why?

Am I tormented and restless?

Wrenched in pain and sorrow,

Thinking about the cruelty brought upon you,

Where is mercy and compassion?

Why oh why?

Another death, another tragedy!

One so young full of life and hope,

Promises to be fulfilled, journeys to be taken,

Why was it robbed from you so soon?

Why oh why?

Why this injustice, why this violence,

How many more Kugans have to follow,

How many more Teohs need to be lost?

How many more victims to endure?

Why oh why?

Who is responsible? Who has the answers?

When will the nation awaken?

When will it rise against these injustices?

Why this cruel fate?

Why oh why?

How long will this go on and who will be next?

Another flower, another leaf,

Plucked from the tree of life prematurely,

Taken away, so callously.

Why oh why?

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Be silent,
Only the Hand of God
Can remove
The burdens of your heart.

I guess, we would not have any words to go beyond this. The moment I read this verse of Rumi, my heart literally slowed and became silent. I don’t think I can find any other methods to unburden my heart or any other words which would bring such profound wisdom even when one reads it once. I could only feel wow!!!!! What wonder, how sublime!

What can I say other than to observe silence?


There is Disharmony …..

Disharmony between humans,

Disharmony between humans and nature,
Disharmony between religions,

Disharmony between cultures,
Disharmony between genders.

We find so much of agitation, anger, hatred and vengeance surrounding us. Every morning we wake up to read more news of pain and suffering in the lives of people all over the world.

We are bombarded with news of killings, terrorism and other calamities taking place everywhere. Some conveniently decide to ignore the tragedy and misfortune happening to others considering it as destiny. Others take it upon themselves to complain and do nothing about it while a few resort to deal with the problems with violence.

As individuals, we may think that we can’t change what is happening around us. But we are totally mistaken. We have the choice to bring about a positive change in our own lives and bring about a change in the relationships with people around us. As life coach Mike Jaffe says, “It is designing your life the way you want it to be so that life just doesn’t “happen” to you”.

We have the possibility to lead a more harmonious life and together as a society, we can change the state of the world. Change begins with the individual. Change does not happen when we wait for someone else to bring about it. What starts as a change in the life of an individual human being can then lead to a global change.


Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it.

- Mahatma Gandhi

How true! Sometimes there is a tendency in many of us to feel that what we are doing in our lives is insignificant. But if we really look at it, each and every one of us is a special being. We are so important that we were given a life in this world in the first place. Our conception is unique. Our lives are unique and our journey is unique too.

Each on of us is the little flower, though they may look alike, they are not the same. In the same way each grain of sand on the beach is unique by itself. I too am a unique person. I am an exceptional being and came into this world because I was not insignificant. Whatever I undertake in this life therefore will be significant and special.

I mattered therefore I am!


Saturday, July 11, 2009

Rainfall on a Desert

I have sort of got used to be by myself this past year or so. With both the children away, life has taken a routine by itself. I do enjoy the quietude and the tranquility it brings. Things have definitely slowed down now. This situation has in fact made me a little complacent and a little idle though. I think I am doing something or other, but the day seems to go by with not much completed.

There are days when I find myself motivated to do some work or other. Other days find me occupied with the computer or the television which leaves me quite disappointed that I have not attended to some important things. Lately I find myself procrastinating. I tell myself I should not be doing that but sometimes it just seems to be so.

Now with the children back for their holidays, they put me on my toes again. It is fun too having them around. I did not realize how parched it had become. It takes some company to make us realize how lonely we have become in their absence. But I am also a person who still needs plenty of time for me. I question myself whether I am selfish. I see some mothers who seem to be sacrificing their time and energy incredibly for their kids.

The last couple of weeks I have been busy with some work that I had to complete. Writing has been the furthest from my thoughts. But today, I took a breather to do some surfing and writing.

My parched lips thirst for some water,
My parched heart longs for some love,
Having company is like rainfall on a desert.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Farewell Michael Jackson!

Music is like an ocean and Michael Jackson was one of her greatest waves to rise high. – Michael was a true gift indeed. All controversies aside, as a true musician, he was someone who brought so much joy to the people who came in touch with his music.

Watching the memorial service for Michael Jackson was truly emotional. There was joy and sorrow joined together. It was a befitting memorial for a wonderful human being. The ceremony was somber, peaceful and filled with so much of contained emotions. The eulogies by those who spoke about him were indeed touching and genuine.

To me music is something very special. All her musicians are special gifts. Few can have the talent that MJ had. Watching him perform as a child, in fact puts one in awe of his talent and versatility. Where did he get this enormous ability from? He never failed to amaze millions around the world.

The memorial made me smile, cry and laugh. Remembering his songs and watching people come out to give tributes to this person who tried in his own ways to bring people together. He spoke about the unity and reminded us that we are the world, we are the children. We are no different from each other. Such profound message which I hope would be adapted in our lives.

While MJ the wave was in his splendor, the world witnessed such joy and love from his music. Now the wave has gone back to the ocean to rest. May he rest in peace, knowing that he did break some barriers and in his own ways did bring the world a little closer.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Life is but a Dream....

Row… Row… Row your boat,
Gently down the stream,
Merrily, merrily, merrily,
Life is but a dream

This is a nursery rhyme most of us would have sung when we were kids. I too continued to sing it to my children when they were young. Not did I ever once pause to understand the meaning of this simple rhyme.

I guess I do take a while to comprehend certain things. Not certain, but most things. Isn’t this message amazing and profound? How many of us take things so seriously, that we forget to enjoy life itself. Everything around us becomes so pressing and demanding that we hardly stop to ask ourselves whether this is really important.

Should I give so much priority for things that could have been allowed to have been ignored? Do I need to get so involved with all the actions I perform everyday that I forget to feel that I am alive. It takes someone’s death to remind me how vulnerable I am. I am reminded of the dreamlike state of this life. That death is a certainty!

This simple poem reminds me once more that I need to row my boat gently. Yes, gently down this stream of life. My boat is extremely fragile. I can’t allow it to rock too much lest I get drowned. At the same time it reminds me that this life is only a dream, so I need to row this boat of mine cheerfully too. At the end of the day, I too will become a dream……….