Thursday, November 20, 2008

Down Memory Lane - Pt.1

Just the other day someone I know asked me about the great maestro, MD Ramanathan and immediately memories of many great legends who have left an indelible mark in my life rushed in. I suppose as we grow older we have the privilege of going down memory lane often. If not for anything else, it is because we have the time to sit and ponder. When we are young we are always rushing to get things done and miss out on the valuable experiences and relationships that we come by. The passage of time teaches us to value and cherish the wonderful journey we have taken.

Yes , today this journey of mine when I look back has been above all a sweet one. Everyone’s journey is beautiful if we only know how to appreciate all that we have experienced. Time is a wonderful gift to us. It teaches us patience. Time soothes us and heals all the wounds.

So, my journey too has been with it’s ups and downs. However insignificant one may seem to the rest of the world, we as an individual are in our own world. I realize that I came to this beautiful land called earth – to experience all the joy that it has to offer. How strange that I have mistaken it to be a mixture of pain and joy. It is only pure joy if I only know how to embrace it. I have been given this beautiful gift of appreciation and when I can learn to use this tool , what a journey this can become !

Yes , who can forget this banyan tree? This is where our mornings started off. Our daily prayers accompanied to the sounds of the tambura .
We would gather every morning under this beautiful tree. Students from every where came to this beautiful place to learn the arts. The peaceful atmosphere and holistic approach was the secret to it’s attraction. Remembering this banyan tree brings calmness to me. I am back 30 years ago, sitting under this beautiful tree. We would start off with the shlokas in Sanskrit followed by songs dedicated to the various gods.

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