Thursday, March 5, 2009


I have come to discover many things along this journey of life. More and more I see us all, as these travelers who have come to this beautiful place called Earth. We are learning, evolving and growing in love, compassion, tolerance and other similar qualities.

We have been given a canvas, colors and brushes. We can paint our canvases with beautiful images or ugly images. The choice is ours. Nature has given us this freedom of choice. Each day goes by, with me starting the day with a fresh canvas, brush and paint.

A beautiful work of art is created when I use the color of love and compassion. I experience joy as a product of that art. The particular piece evolves like an incredible tree with beautiful flowers blooming. When my art portrays impatience and anger, the painting becomes ugly. Hence, I experience pain and sadness.

I have a choice to paint happy images, images of tolerance, images of peace and images of love, which brings about happiness in my life or I can choose to paint images of hate, images of impatience, images of anger, or images of revenge, which invariably brings sadness.

We are at different stages of our journey, by the virtue of our individual nature. I can’t expect others to think as I do or be as I am. Tolerance teaches me to look at others in a new perspective. When I become tolerant, I understand that each person is as special and unique as I am. They too are a part of this wonderful creation. Along the way I am learning that I need to accept each and every person for what he or she is. Tolerance teaches me acceptance.

When we understand that there is no need for competition between anyone, we accept every one in their own terms. There is so much of abundance that we have enough to share with everyone. Each one of us has been given the space and time to grow and evolve in our own beautiful ways.

We all share the same earth, the same fate and the same destiny. When my canvas is filled with the celebration of life, I end up with the most beautiful and magical of paintings of hope, joy, love, compassion and happiness.


Madeinhsa said...


Pilgrim said...

Thank you hemant! All the best.
Take Care