Friday, April 10, 2009

Buddha – The Radiant One

All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think we become.

-- Buddha

I am unable to remove the picture of this “Buddha”. Somehow I find myself irresistibly drawn towards this picture. The Radiant Buddha as I would like to address him, exudes such peace and tranquility.

This portrait does not belong to me but to cyberspace. Knowing this reality, I still feel that I want to hold on to it. The portrait of the young Budha, sitting under a tree and meditating , makes me feel the serenity, radiance, peace and calmness.

This want to possess also reminds me of how everything I try to hold on to my life, truly does not really belong to me but to this Universe. Just as all these words, the pictures and whatever I write on the blog does not really belong to me, this whole thing that I call mine too does not belong to me. I am given a chance, an opportunity to enjoy and to embrace them for a period of time.

You may call me silly or sentimental, but I decided to maintain the portrait of the Radiant Buddha for remembrance on my home page. He inspires me to be tranquil, contented and radiant. A reminder to me that I need to feel contentment in my life too ………….

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