Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Tribute to the Violin Maestro Dr. L. Subramaniam

One just has to listen to this incredible man on his violin. What can I say? I am wordless, amazed, hypnotized, captivated, mesmerized and any word in the language can be used to describe the feeling I get. Violin is one of my favorite instruments, but to hear this genius on the violin is exalting.

I do not pretend that I can do justice to his wonderful work, but in my own way, for my personal satisfaction, I am doing what a little grain of sand on the beach of the ocean does. Though the grain of sand may seem insignificant, it has its own unique place in the universe. Like it I am a little grain of sand in the presence of the vast ocean of Music and her Musicians.

I give my salutations to this great musician of our time. I have never met him, but would like to do so some day......

“Music is a vast ocean and no one can claim to know it all. The more you know, the more you realise how little you know. It is an eternal quest.”

- --- Dr.L.Subramaniam

India's master violinist performs live at the Royal Albert Hall in 1995. Here he improvises in Raga Charukesi.

A rare interaction between two masters of the violin.
They improvise and play 'Necklace Road' by L.Subramaniam.

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