Sunday, December 20, 2009
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Remembering Smt. Rajeshwari Padmanabhan
The Yajnavalkya Smriti mentions:
“Veena vadhana tathvangna sruti, jathi, visartha talanjaaprayasena moksha margam niyachathi”
(”The one who is well versed in veena, one who has the knowledge of srutis and one who is adept in tala, attains salvation without doubt.”)
Well it is exactly one year since Smt. Rajeshwari Padmanabhan, the veena maestro and my Guru, passed away. It had been a day filled with listening to her veena pieces. While the day went by, I felt a celebration of music.
Yes, I would like to remember her as a great maestro, a warm motherly figure and someone whose talent was not commercialized. She was a musician of par excellence.
Nostalgic memories of her classes rushed back to my thoughts. While playing one of the pieces – Vinayaka in Hamsadvani, a surge of emotions overwhelmed me and I found myself crying for a while. Then composing myself, I decided that her life should be celebrated in her remembrance. I found this short video of her taking classes by Raghunath Manet on youtube.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Another beautiful Ghazal by the one and only Hariharan Ji……..
And then to listen to this beautiful rendition of “Krishna nee begane baro” of this great vocalist, Hariharan, you can literally see the notes dancing.
I was listening to a Ghazal by Hariharan -‘JHOOM LE’ a beautiful ghazal from the Ghazal Album Kaash. Hariharan’s soulful music never fails to amaze me. I am not so familiar with Ghazals , but this one surely makes me feel the peace and tranquility.
Musical notes dance if we can watch them. Some go to watch a dance to watch the movements in the dance. I consider the notes – swaras of music themselves performing a dance. They twist and turn and slide and glide.
Swaras themselves are so expressive that each note has its own bhava, its own distinctive character and grace. It also depends on the performer, who will be able to bring out the best of the notes. Be it a vocalist or instrumentalist. If we can watch the fluid movements of these notes, we will truly understand the meaning of dance itself!
What wonder to be mesmerized by music and her greatest gift, her musicians! What astounding creators they are! They create such emotions in a person. Good music fills you up completely but at the same time leaves you with a longing for more.
Music – Food for the Soul……
Monday, July 27, 2009
Many people have many explanations about what dance is. The most remarkable explanation that I have ever heard was from my Teacher, Prem Rawat. These are not his exact words but this is what he meant.
True dance takes place when the heart is filled with such joy that it cannot contain itself and the body starts to move to the rhythm of the joy.
When the heart dances out of joy, the body starts to move and Real Dance happens. Otherwise everything else is just another form of exercise or movement of the limbs and body.
We would have found ourselves at some time in our lives, to have got up to dance when we felt real heartfelt joy. I have done that sometimes when I listened to some exceptionally beautiful music which invoked a joy and jubilation in my heart that all I could do was dance to its rhythm.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Moving on…......
Can I move on? That is the real challenge I am faced with in my life at every step of the way. At times this whole thing seems like a game. We are challenged after a couple of steps along the way in our journey of life. That too after we have settled and come to terms with almost most of the situations in our lives.
Many a times, I have this question, of what this whole thing is about! We are born, grow up the usual way and as most children do. Some children have more challenges than the others. Somehow we end up as what we are at the present stage in life after many falls, rises, challenges, hurts, happiness, joys etc.
Most of the time, we are so caught up with all the happenings around us that we get lost in acting or reacting relating to those situations.
Do we take time to pause and question, what this is all about? I don’t seem to be doing that when I am in the midst of all the melodramatic activities in my life. Only when I have passed them, do I pause and analyze, question and try to understand what it is all about. – And that too only sometimes!
We are always placed in a position of opposites in our lives. I get disappointed when I think that it is all about everything being black or white. Now I have come to understand that it is also about the grey areas, pale grey areas, white areas and not so white areas in the whole picture. It is also about the blues, greens, oranges, yellows, reds, the pinks, the mauves and all the different hues on the palette of color.
This art, this life, this being is just not about right and wrong. . I have come to understand along the way that this journey is about falling down, learning, waking up and walking forward. This journey is also about forgiving, forgetting and understanding. And this journey is about adjusting, letting go and accommodating. If I fail to understand this simple formula I will never be able to come to terms with life and will be stuck in the same hole again and again. I have learned that I need to let go and move on.
Finally it is all about moving on ………..
Friday, July 17, 2009
Why oh Why?
Why oh why?
What words,
What reasons to describe this death?
We have never met each other,
Nor have our paths ever crossed,
But my heart is in anguish.
Why oh why?
Am I tormented and restless?
Wrenched in pain and sorrow,
Thinking about the cruelty brought upon you,
Where is mercy and compassion?
Why oh why?
Another death, another tragedy!
One so young full of life and hope,
Promises to be fulfilled, journeys to be taken,
Why was it robbed from you so soon?
Why oh why?
Why this injustice, why this violence,
How many more Kugans have to follow,
How many more Teohs need to be lost?
How many more victims to endure?
Why oh why?
Who is responsible? Who has the answers?
When will the nation awaken?
When will it rise against these injustices?
Why this cruel fate?
Why oh why?
How long will this go on and who will be next?
Another flower, another leaf,
Plucked from the tree of life prematurely,
Taken away, so callously.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Be silent,
Only the Hand of God
Can remove
The burdens of your heart.
I guess, we would not have any words to go beyond this. The moment I read this verse of Rumi, my heart literally slowed and became silent. I don’t think I can find any other methods to unburden my heart or any other words which would bring such profound wisdom even when one reads it once. I could only feel wow!!!!! What wonder, how sublime!
What can I say other than to observe silence?
We find so much of agitation, anger, hatred and vengeance surrounding us. Every morning we wake up to read more news of pain and suffering in the lives of people all over the world.
We are bombarded with news of killings, terrorism and other calamities taking place everywhere. Some conveniently decide to ignore the tragedy and misfortune happening to others considering it as destiny. Others take it upon themselves to complain and do nothing about it while a few resort to deal with the problems with violence.
As individuals, we may think that we can’t change what is happening around us. But we are totally mistaken. We have the choice to bring about a positive change in our own lives and bring about a change in the relationships with people around us. As life coach Mike Jaffe says, “It is designing your life the way you want it to be so that life just doesn’t “happen” to you”.
We have the possibility to lead a more harmonious life and together as a society, we can change the state of the world. Change begins with the individual. Change does not happen when we wait for someone else to bring about it. What starts as a change in the life of an individual human being can then lead to a global change.
How true! Sometimes there is a tendency in many of us to feel that what we are doing in our lives is insignificant. But if we really look at it, each and every one of us is a special being. We are so important that we were given a life in this world in the first place. Our conception is unique. Our lives are unique and our journey is unique too.
Each on of us is the little flower, though they may look alike, they are not the same. In the same way each grain of sand on the beach is unique by itself. I too am a unique person. I am an exceptional being and came into this world because I was not insignificant. Whatever I undertake in this life therefore will be significant and special.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Rainfall on a Desert
I have sort of got used to be by myself this past year or so. With both the children away, life has taken a routine by itself. I do enjoy the quietude and the tranquility it brings. Things have definitely slowed down now. This situation has in fact made me a little complacent and a little idle though. I think I am doing something or other, but the day seems to go by with not much completed.
There are days when I find myself motivated to do some work or other. Other days find me occupied with the computer or the television which leaves me quite disappointed that I have not attended to some important things. Lately I find myself procrastinating. I tell myself I should not be doing that but sometimes it just seems to be so.
Now with the children back for their holidays, they put me on my toes again. It is fun too having them around. I did not realize how parched it had become. It takes some company to make us realize how lonely we have become in their absence. But I am also a person who still needs plenty of time for me. I question myself whether I am selfish. I see some mothers who seem to be sacrificing their time and energy incredibly for their kids.
The last couple of weeks I have been busy with some work that I had to complete. Writing has been the furthest from my thoughts. But today, I took a breather to do some surfing and writing.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Farewell Michael Jackson!
Music is like an ocean and Michael Jackson was one of her greatest waves to rise high. – Michael was a true gift indeed. All controversies aside, as a true musician, he was someone who brought so much joy to the people who came in touch with his music.
Watching the memorial service for Michael Jackson was truly emotional. There was joy and sorrow joined together. It was a befitting memorial for a wonderful human being. The ceremony was somber, peaceful and filled with so much of contained emotions. The eulogies by those who spoke about him were indeed touching and genuine.
To me music is something very special. All her musicians are special gifts. Few can have the talent that MJ had. Watching him perform as a child, in fact puts one in awe of his talent and versatility. Where did he get this enormous ability from? He never failed to amaze millions around the world.
The memorial made me smile, cry and laugh. Remembering his songs and watching people come out to give tributes to this person who tried in his own ways to bring people together. He spoke about the unity and reminded us that we are the world, we are the children. We are no different from each other. Such profound message which I hope would be adapted in our lives.
While MJ the wave was in his splendor, the world witnessed such joy and love from his music. Now the wave has gone back to the ocean to rest. May he rest in peace, knowing that he did break some barriers and in his own ways did bring the world a little closer.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Life is but a Dream....
This is a nursery rhyme most of us would have sung when we were kids. I too continued to sing it to my children when they were young. Not did I ever once pause to understand the meaning of this simple rhyme.
I guess I do take a while to comprehend certain things. Not certain, but most things. Isn’t this message amazing and profound? How many of us take things so seriously, that we forget to enjoy life itself. Everything around us becomes so pressing and demanding that we hardly stop to ask ourselves whether this is really important.
Should I give so much priority for things that could have been allowed to have been ignored? Do I need to get so involved with all the actions I perform everyday that I forget to feel that I am alive. It takes someone’s death to remind me how vulnerable I am. I am reminded of the dreamlike state of this life. That death is a certainty!
This simple poem reminds me once more that I need to row my boat gently. Yes, gently down this stream of life. My boat is extremely fragile. I can’t allow it to rock too much lest I get drowned. At the same time it reminds me that this life is only a dream, so I need to row this boat of mine cheerfully too. At the end of the day, I too will become a dream……….
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Though it has been a few days since MJ passed away, I find it hard to put into words what I am feeling. It is still surreal and somehow feels dreamlike. I have not listened to his songs for some time and when this shocking news was conveyed to me by my son at 5 am, it did not register immediately. He was watching the news and the first thing I did was rush down to confirm it.
Michael Jackson's sudden death somewhat overshadowed the death of Actress Farrah Fawcett. Not that she was a lesser person but rather because MJ was so huge that we can't help but get facinated with him. Somehow people were obsessed with him while he was alive and remain obsessed with him in his death.
MJ's music would have had an impact on most of us. He was the King of Pop. His music moved both young and old. It is a very tragic ending to a person who could have had everything but ultimately did not have any peace of mind.
Michael Jackson's death brought back memories of Princess Diana's passing away. I was not able to do anything else other than sit in front of the television the whole day trying to get to terms with her death and trying desperately to hold on to the images of someone I had admired so much. I am sure many would be completely shaken and devastated by this heartbreaking news.
Even though we may not know these people personally, our hearts rush out to them and their families. This reminds me of the human family that Maya Angelou speaks about in her poem. We are ultimately bonded to each other, whether we like it or not and when someone else feels the pain and loss, it feels like our very own loss and pain.
I pray that he gets the rest and peace that he was desperately looking for in his life. He has given so much of himself to his music and promoted unity beyond the differences we see, in his songs. His legacy will live on.
May God give him the peace that he did not find while he was alive.
RIP Michael Jackson. We will miss you!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
While surfing youtube for a song, came across this video that I felt compelled to share with everyone. This little girl is singing the national anthem of India. Her words are crystal clear and the tune is absolutely perfect. You can see her with an imaginary microphone too ! She looks around 2 - 3 years old. Wow what an amazing child!
Monday, June 22, 2009
Human Family
All we are reminded constantly is of how diverse and varied each and everything is. We focus on the differences in the animals. We speak about the variety of flowers, fruits, seasons and name it, we know of all the differences.
Yet oddly we too teach our children the same things. We teach them how different every person is. We teach them about the different colors of skin and the disparity of the different races and nations.
It can go on and on, yet when will we be able to stop for a moment and say, I am able to see the oneness in all these differences? I can truly see the same chord running through the various people of the world. We as a human race share the same hopes and destiny. And to be able to say that I am truly glad that we belong to the same human race!
I read this simple yet thought provoking poem by Maya Angelou, where she speaks about the human family.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
A cute mail I recived which is just so funny and heart warming.
Answers given by 2nd grade school children to the following questions:
Why did God make mothers?
1. She's the only one who knows where the sticky tape is.
2. Mostly to clean the house.
3. To help us out of there when we were getting born.
How did God make mothers?
1. He used dirt, just like for the rest of us.
2. Magic plus super powers and a lot of stirring.
3. God made my Mum just the same like he made me. He just used bigger parts.
What ingredients are mothers made of ?
1. God makes mothers out of clouds and angel hair and everything nice in the world and one dab of mean.
2. They had to get their start from men's bones. Then they mostly use string, I think.
Why did God give you your mother and not some other Mum?
1. We're related.
2. God knew she likes me a lot more than other people's Mums like me.
What kind of little girl was your Mum?
1. My Mum has always been my Mum and none of that other stuff.
2. I don't know because I wasn't there, but my guess would be pretty bossy.
3. They say she used to be nice.
What did Mum need to know about Dad before she married him?
1. His last name.
2. She had to know his background. Like is he a crook? Does he get drunk on beer?
3. Does he make at least $800 a year? Did he say NO to drugs and YES to chores?
Why did your Mum marry your Dad?
1. My Dad makes the best spaghetti in the world. And my Mum eats a lot.
2. She got too old to do anything else with him.
3. My Grandma says that Mum didn't have her thinking cap on.
Who's the boss at your house?
1. Mum doesn't want to be boss, but she has to because Dad's such an idiot.
2. Mum. You can tell by room inspection. She sees the stuff under the bed.
3. I guess Mum is, but only because she has a lot more to do than Dad.
What's the difference between Mums & Dads?
1. Mums work at work and work at home and Dads just go to work at work.
2. Mums know how to talk to teachers without scaring them.
3. Dads are taller & stronger, but Mums have all the real power 'cause that's who you got to ask if you want to sleep over at your friend's.
4. Mums have magic, they make you feel better without medicine.
What does your Mum do in her spare time?
1. Mothers don't have spare time.
2. To hear her talk, she pays bills all day long.
What would it take to make your Mum perfect?
1. On the inside she's already perfect. Outside, I think some kind of plastic surgery.
2. You know, her hair. I'd die it, maybe blue.
If you could change one thing about your Mum, what would it be?
1. She has this weird thing about me keeping my room clean. I'd get rid of that.
2. I'd make my Mum smarter. Then she would know it was my sister who did it and not me.
3. I would like her to get rid of those invisible eyes on the back of her head.
Friday, June 19, 2009
JAgadodharana Fusion
Jagadodharana - A composition by Purandara Dasa. This fusion piece is sung by Bombay Jayshree and is incredibly soothing to the ears and soul! Bombay Jayshree is one of the many talented musicians of Carnatic Music.
Purandara Dasa (1484 - 1564) also known as the father of Carnatic Music, a classical music form of South India, systematized the method of teaching Carnatic music which is followed to the present day.
Purandara Dasa was the first composer to include comments on ordinary daily life in song compositions. He used elements of colloquial language for his lyrics. He introduced folk ragas into the mainstream, setting his lyrics to tunes/ragas of his day so that even a common man could learn and sing them.
Purity of heart, devotion to God, and compassion towards all living beings formed the core of Purandaradasa's philosophy. A householder's life was no impediment to spiritual progress, as his own life was an example. According to him, mere accumulation of knowledge, repetition of formulas and observance of rituals are worthless if the heart is not pure. Equally useless is the wrangling over the "nature" of God.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Thank You.....
Hello everyone,
Somehow I could not pull myself together to write. Something just went off. I saw Viv’s comment and a special warmth embraced my heart. It is like someone who came by and gently woke me up from my slumber. How sweet of you Viv. Thank You. I went to Viv’s blog and read her latest posting Too tired to.........
I am tired too. Felt drained of all energy for the past month or so. The weather is not helping either. It is extremely hot with no rain. Not that I like too much rain though. But everything needs to be balanced. My brains have stopped functioning for whatever reasons! Shocking? Yes. I try to write something but I feel drained.
I am tired too. Tired of everything. Tired of going on...... Tired of talking, tired of writing...... Well I could go on.So much happens around us and within us too. There are times when we are able to overcome everything and still keep the spirit going on. There are times too when something just decides that it does not want to move on. I am going through one of those phases in my life.
It is like an engine breakdown. A void is there, but it is also a veil created not to allow any pain to go through. It is sort of an auto protection. A numbness, whatever we want to call it. It does not really matter.
All of a sudden I feel distanced from everyone and everything. I felt all alone. Though I seem to enjoy my own company. I don’t seem to want to speak to anyone unless it is necessary. Could I call it depression? A mid life crisis? A menopausal period with my moods going haywire? I wouldn’t know. I am not even interested to talk to anyone about it.
This aloofness seems quite comfortable too. I am not really worried about this space of time. I know it will pass. I told my self while it is here let me not get too agitated about it. The thought of having people care and feel concerned makes me feel wonderful. I know Indu you are always there with your encouraging words. Words can never express our friendship of all these years. I could take this opportunity as a time to thank all my readers who visit this site.
Thank you Sissy T for your sweet words. And of course Viv. I am touched by your words and many others who may not want to comment but visit this blog regularly. I take this opportunity to acknowledge all of your presence. To know that there are people who care for you is the best sensation one can experience. It is one if the most refreshing feelings of life.
I love you all and Thank You.
Friday, May 22, 2009
The Silence Surrounding Sri Lanka
I found this very moving article which saddened me. The silence which is surrounding Sri Lanka is deafening indeed. Yes deafening with the cries of innocent people killed and tortured by the government of Sri Lanka. Genocide is taking place right in front of our eyes in Sri Lanka while the world is watching silently. Many may not really understand what is happening in Sri Lanka, thinking it is another terrorist warfare. The truth being very strange and shocking.
With all the technologies of this century the world is still primitive in its dealing with another human being.
Looking around we come to understand that we have not changed at all. We are still behaving like we are in the stone ages. The only difference being that instead of using hand made weapons to fight our opponents we are now using the latest weapons of destruction as though it is a video game.
“ If the Third World War is fought with nuclear weapons, the fourth will be fought with bows and arrows. ”
—Lord Louis Mountbatten
“ I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones. ”
—Albert Einstein
By Arundhati Roy
March 31, 2009 "Boston Globe" -- -NEW DELHI - The horror that is unfolding in Sri Lanka becomes possible because of the silence that surrounds it. There is almost no reporting in the international press - or in the mainstream media in India, where I live - about what is happening. From the little information that is filtering through, it looks as though the Sri Lankan government is using the propaganda of "the war on terror" as a fig leaf to dismantle any semblance of democracy in the country and commit unspeakable crimes against the Tamil people.
The government is working on the principle that every Tamil is a terrorist unless he or she can prove otherwise, and civilian areas, hospitals, and shelters are being bombed and turned into a war zone. Reliable estimates put the number of civilians trapped at over 200,000. The Sri Lankan army is advancing, armed with tanks and aircraft.
Meanwhile, there are reports that several "welfare villages" have been established to house displaced Tamils in the Vavuniya and Mannar districts. The Daily Telegraph in London reports that these villages "will be compulsory holding centers for all civilians fleeing the fighting." Is this a euphemism for concentration camps?
Mangala Samaraweera, a former foreign minister of Sri Lanka, told The Daily Telegraph: "A few months ago the government started registering all Tamils in Colombo on the grounds that they could be a security threat, but this could be exploited for other purposes like the Nazis in the 1930s. They're basically going to label the whole civilian Tamil population as potential terrorists."
Given the government's stated objective of "wiping out" the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelan, this malevolent collapse of civilians and "terrorists" does seem to signal that the government is on the verge of committing what could end up being genocide. According to a United Nations estimate, several thousand people have already been killed. Thousands more are critically wounded.
What we are witnessing - or, rather, what is happening in Sri Lanka and is being so effectively hidden from public scrutiny - is a brazen, openly racist war. The impunity with which the Sri Lankan government is able to commit these crimes unveils the deeply ingrained racist prejudice that is precisely what led to the marginalization and alienation of the Tamils of Sri Lanka in the first place. That racism has a long history, involving social ostracization, economic blockades, pogroms, and torture. The brutal nature of the decades-long civil war, which started as a peaceful, nonviolent protest, has its roots here.
Why the silence? In another interview, Mangala Samaraweera said, "A free media is virtually nonexistent in Sri Lanka today." He described death squads and "white van abductions," which have made society "freeze with fear." Voices of dissent have been abducted and assassinated. The International Federation of Journalists accuses the government of Sri Lanka of using a combination of anti-terrorism laws, disappearances, and assassinations to silence journalists.
There are unconfirmed reports that the Indian government is lending material and logistical support to the Sri Lankan government. If this is true, it is outrageous. What about the governments of other countries? Pakistan? China? What are they doing to help or harm the situation?
In Tamil Nadu, India, the war in Sri Lanka has fueled passions that have led to more than 10 people immolating themselves. The public anger and anguish - much of it genuine, but some of it obviously cynical political manipulation - has become an election issue.
It is extraordinary that this concern has not traveled to the rest of India. Why is there silence?
Given the scale of what is happening in Sri Lanka, the silence is inexcusable. More so because of the Indian government's long history of irresponsible dabbling in the conflict, first taking one side and then the other. Several of us who should have spoken out much earlier, have not done so, simply because of a lack of information about the war.
So while the killing continues, while tens of thousands of people are being barricaded into concentration camps, while more than 200,000 face starvation, and a genocide waits to happen, there is dead silence from this great country. It's a colossal humanitarian tragedy. The world must step in. Now. Before it's too late.
Arundhati Roy was born in 1959 in Shillong, India. She studied architecture in New Delhi, where she now lives, and has worked as a film designer, actor, and screenplay writer in India. A tenth anniversary edition of her novel, The God of Small Things (Random House), for which she received the 1997 Booker Prize, was recently released. She is also the author of numerous nonfiction titles, including An Ordinary Person's Guide to Empire
Friday, May 15, 2009
Speaking Pleasant Words
I read this in RPK's blog in one of his article and it reminded me of a very nasty experience I had with someone I know recently. I was rudely shocked to be told off in a very humiliating manner to have expressed my personal opinion about some political issue.
The incident left me very shattered and badly shaken for a week and even though I have come out of it gradually, the scar or pain is still there. There is a saying in Tamil by the poet Saint Thiruvalluvar on using pleasant words. Sometimes we do not realize how disastrous the outcome can become if we do not know how to speak to people with courtesy. This particular incident has left me with more resolve not to hurt anyone with rude words because the pain caused can be agonizing.
The relationship too can be strained even though the person can be one of your best friends.
Speaking Pleasant Words - Thiruvalluvar
Pleasant words are those which, full of tenderness And free from deceit, fall from the lips of virtuous men.
Better than a gift given with a joyous heart Are sweet words spoken with a cheerful smile.
A kindly countenance and sweet words Spoken from the heart-these are virtue's way.
Poverty-provoking sorrow will not pursue Those who speak joy-producing words to all they meet.
Humility and pleasant words are the jewels That adorn a man; there are none other.
If a man seeks good works while speaking sweet words, His virtues will wax and his vices wane.
Words yield spiritual rewards and moral excellence When they do not wander far from usefulness and agreeableness
Sweet speech which is stranger to pettiness inparts pleasure Not only in this life, but in the next.
Why would anyone speak cruel words, Having observed the happiness that kind words confer?
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Tribute to the Violin Maestro Dr. L. Subramaniam
I do not pretend that I can do justice to his wonderful work, but in my own way, for my personal satisfaction, I am doing what a little grain of sand on the beach of the ocean does. Though the grain of sand may seem insignificant, it has its own unique place in the universe. Like it I am a little grain of sand in the presence of the vast ocean of Music and her Musicians.
I give my salutations to this great musician of our time. I have never met him, but would like to do so some day......
“Music is a vast ocean and no one can claim to know it all. The more you know, the more you realise how little you know. It is an eternal quest.”
- --- Dr.L.Subramaniam
India's master violinist performs live at the Royal Albert Hall in 1995. Here he improvises in Raga Charukesi.
A rare interaction between two masters of the violin.
They improvise and play 'Necklace Road' by L.Subramaniam.
Super Brain Yoga
I received an e-mail from a friend about 'Super Brain Yoga'. Watching it I am amazed that this is what we kids were asked to do as a punishment. Most of the Indian children would have gone through with this.
Another interesting thing about this particular act which is called “Thoppukaranam” in Tamil which refers to the action one does in front of the deity Lord Ganesh. When we approach this particular deity who symbolizes Knowledge, we will automatically knock with our knuckles on the temples of our head and then perform the Thoppukaranam. (holding the earlobes with opposite hands and alternately squatting and standing up as shown in the video below.
I was truly surprised that an act which was so insignificant and also related to punishment happens to have such an astounding result when it is done. India has so much wonderful mysteries to be unfolded. These little simple things in life are made part of the daily life of an Indian from childhood. They are told to adhere to many things without questioning, which may look superstitious but in fact turn out to be beneficial to us. When practiced consistently they become such valuable habits. Today I learned that this simple act actually is amazing and of great value to me.
Superbrain Yoga® is a simple and effective technique to energize and recharge the brain. It is based on the principles of subtle energy and ear acupuncture. This powerful technique is explained in Master Choa Kok Sui's latest book Superbrain Yoga®.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Mahatma Gandhi's Prayer
– Mahatma Gandhi
Listened to this wonderful song (prayer) which was Mahatma Gandhi's favourite piece. The song brings about such sublime sweetness. This video above is a rendition by the violin Maestro Dr.L.Subramaniam.
Conceived, Composed and Produced by Dr. L. Subramaniam. A new melody and feeling for Gandhi's favourite song.
Features Pandit Jasraj, Kavita Krishnamurti Subramaniam, Sultan Khan, Pankaj Udhas, Hariharan, Remo Fernandes, Bindu Subramaniam, Narayana Subramaniam.
Another Beautiful Version
Kirtan Vaishnava Janato
One who is a vaishnav
Knows the pain of others
Does good to others, esp. to those ones who are in misery
Does not let pride enter his mind
A Vaishnav, Tolerates and praises the the entire world
Does not say bad things about anyone
Keeps his/her words, actions and thoughts pure
O Vaishnav, your mother is blessed (dhanya-dhanya)
A Vaishnav sees everything equally, rejects greed and avarice
Considers some one else’s wife/daughter as his mother
The toungue may get tired, but will never speak lies
Does not even touch someone else’s property
A Vaishnav does not succumb to worldly attachments
Who has devoted himself to stauch detachment to worldly
Who has been edicted to the elixir coming by the name of Ram
For whom all the religious sites are in the mind
Who has no greed and deciet
Who has renounced lust of all types and anger
The poet Narsi will like to see such a person
By who’s virtue, the entire family gets salvation
Monday, May 4, 2009
Poem by Rumi
You are filled with God's glow.
It radiates out pure sparking light
making you appear as a mystical flower.
So why the sad face?
You have a bonfire of happiness within.
Why don't you immerse your heart
in its blissful sweetness?
Do you still think it's outside?
Listen, my friend,
the gold mine of all gold mines
is underfoot.
Won't you feel foolish
when you discover
your father has bequeathed
immense wealth?
All your wandering and begging
has brought you naught.
Come sit by the fire
and feel it's warmth.
Let's drink wine
and look at the moon
until we become mad with joy.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Many people have various passions. I too have many passions in my life. But today my utmost passion has become to “learn”. Yes to become a student of life. I have taken a full circle and come back to the same place. We may call it a zero or a circle. Sometimes we go around looking for things everywhere when it lies so close to us.
Life is a beautiful school. It is how we look at it. All these years I struggled trying to catch the elusive. But when I recognize Grace and when I am able to trust, I find that I am carried in the arms of this compassionate power.
This reminds me of the story of a person walking along a beach. He saw two pairs of footprints embedded on the sands of the beach and after a while there was only one pair of footprints along the beach. He looked at God and said, “Look, when I was fine and happy, you walked alongside me but when I needed you the most, you abandoned me and I had to walk all alone”.
God looked at him and said, “You have misunderstood the truth”. “When you were doing well and were fine, I walked with you”. “There can you see those two pairs of footprints? And when you needed me the most, I carried you in my arms and those footprints are not yours but mine”.
Sometimes we have the tendency to forget the reality and everything becomes a struggle. Somehow when I can learn how to flow with the river and not against the current, I enjoy the journey. This journey of mine has been long and windy. I have had good times and bad times. But when the good times come, it overshadows all the pain and suffering and fills the heart that one can feel the heart dancing. Yes dancing because such joy is possible in this life.
I have to thank my teacher for helping me to see this joy and to feel the dance of life.
“The Beauty of Life is Life itself”. - Prem Rawat
Monday, April 27, 2009
Magic of Being Alive
Spending a few days listening to Prem Rawat also known as Maharaji renewed my energy. Most of the time we seem to get lost in the day to day happenings of life, forgetting the simple beauty of life. To feel the magic of being alive and recognizing the breath is such an amazing experience.
Sometimes we need a reminder of how beautiful and simple this life is. For me this was what I felt when I had this opportunity to listen to Prem Rawat last week. Yes his message is simple and listening to him speak made me feel as though I had been washed by the fresh waters of the waterfall. Cleansed of the luggage I have been accumulating for some time. I feel lighter, happier and feel grateful for all that I have. Paused complaining about things and started to appreciate the wonderful gifts of Life.
This reminds me of the words of the Master, Swami Ramakrishna Paramahamsa. He said that when the ground is dry we notice all the potholes on the path. But when a heavy rain falls and there is water all over, it covers all the potholes and makes everything even. In the same way, when our hearts are filled with happiness, joy and contentment, we will stop seeing all the inadequacies and defects of things around us. We start to see the fulfillment and feel gratitude for all that we have.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
"Raga Saga"
About "Raga Saga" -
Electric Violin I, II and Violia - V.S. Narasimhan
Electric Cello - V.R. Sekar
Raga Saga is a widely hailed, ground-breaking work which captures V.S. Narasimhan's original integration of the Indian and Western classical music systems. A pioneer in this entirely new musical form of using the western quartet format for Indian music, Mr. Narasimhan uses a delicate, intricate, thoughtful approach in his artistic touch replete with an enduring blend of Western harmonies, counterpoint, and pulsating rhythmic structures.
Mr. Narasimhan is well known throughout India as a violinist who has worked with legendary Indian film music directors such as A.R. Rahman and Ilaiyaraja. In recent times however, his passion for classical music has led him down a different path culminating in the development of this new musical art form. He is uniquely equipped to produce a work of this kind because of his knowledge of and ability to play, perform, and compose in both Western classical and in Indian classical music styles.
He has melded together Indian tradition and Western form to create something beautiful. The added flair in the recording comes from his use of electric instruments. By using this approach, he was able to record all the parts (Violin I, Violin II & Viola) himself except for cello (played by the highly talented V.R. Sekar).
Hailed by numerous diverse, world-renowned musicians for his dynamic musicality, seamless improvisation and thoughtful artistry, V.S. Narasimhan has permanently altered the way in which we think about the Carnatic and Western music systems.
Most recently, David Balakrishnan of the Grammy award-winning Turtle Island String Quartet, had this to say regarding VSN's newest work, Raga Saga:
In speaking to the quality of this evocative and brilliant new recording . . . I will say that when I listen to this music, my heart erupts with joyous elation, then my professional curiosity kicks in, and I am filled with wonder and deep respect for the level of craft that went into producing this excellent CD. What I hear in these tracks is a voice on the other side of the world, seemingly entirely divergent yet at the same time oddly familiar, using the same classic instrumentation to provide yet another compelling new musical paradigm in the continuing evolution of the string quartet form.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Friday, April 10, 2009
Buddha – The Radiant One
-- Buddha
I am unable to remove the picture of this “Buddha”. Somehow I find myself irresistibly drawn towards this picture. The Radiant Buddha as I would like to address him, exudes such peace and tranquility.
This portrait does not belong to me but to cyberspace. Knowing this reality, I still feel that I want to hold on to it. The portrait of the young Budha, sitting under a tree and meditating , makes me feel the serenity, radiance, peace and calmness.
This want to possess also reminds me of how everything I try to hold on to my life, truly does not really belong to me but to this Universe. Just as all these words, the pictures and whatever I write on the blog does not really belong to me, this whole thing that I call mine too does not belong to me. I am given a chance, an opportunity to enjoy and to embrace them for a period of time.
You may call me silly or sentimental, but I decided to maintain the portrait of the Radiant Buddha for remembrance on my home page. He inspires me to be tranquil, contented and radiant. A reminder to me that I need to feel contentment in my life too ………….
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Budha On Believe
"Believe nothing just because a so-called wise person said it.
Believe nothing just because a belief is generally held.
Believe nothing just because it is said in ancient books.
Believe nothing just because it is said to be of divine origin.
Believe nothing just because someone else believes it.
Believe only what you yourself test and judge to be true."
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Following Your Passion
Last Night my daughter had the opportunity to perform her first solo number in front of an audience.She has never been on stage and it was quite nerve-wrecking and exciting at the same time. Music and singing has been her passion since childhood and she used to practice singing at home, whenever she was free.
But as mothers are, or as I am too domineering as she says, I kept telling her not to focus on singing so much since her studies were more important. I remember her telling me once, “Ma – you have killed my dreams.” Yes. I was always telling her to concentrate on her studies and not to get distracted. Now that she is in College, an opportunity came to her to take part in a cultural night event.
Being selected to sing was as exciting for me as for her. I wanted to set the feeling right this time since she was crestfallen with my discouragement regarding her passion.
This was the first time my baby, my little princess, was going to go on stage and do her maiden performance! The feeling was exhilarating and I was as nervous as her. The only sad thing was that I was not able to be there to watch her live, singing her first number to an audience on stage!
Waiting for her to call me to tell me how she performed was restless for me too. I could not sleep the whole night imagining how she would have performed. After a number of calls she told me that she was not nervous and did pretty well. I am waiting anxiously to see the recording which she has promised to send me today.
So much for dreams and the possibilities of attaining them. It may be a small start but I know that this is the stepping stone for her. It has given her the confidence and elation that anything you love to do would give. I wish her all the best for bright future following her passion.
An inspiring quote by Sharon Cook & Graciela Sholander, I found which I feel that if any one of us follows, we will be able to feel total joy and satisfation.
"If you have ever felt such tremendous enthusiasm and desire for something that you would gladly spend all your waking hours working on it, that you would happily do without pay, then you have found your passion".
Thursday, April 2, 2009
The Most Beautiful Word
I have been trying to figure out which is THE most important, beautiful and inspiring word in the world. I know this may sound strange but I suppose these are things people with nothing else to do try to do!
Well many words come up and conjure many different images in the mind. Lets take the word "Love". Love is such a sweet word and feelings of happiness and joy immediately comes to the mind. But there is also sorrow and pain attached to this word when
loveis rejected.
"God"- This is the most misunderstood word I suppose. We have so many different interpretations of this word, that the world has come to such a state of hatred because of the misunderstanding of this word.
"Beauty" - This is also a very beautiful word. But not everything or everyone is beautiful. Words like Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder rushes in. So beauty can be a controversial word too.
Many words hold many meanings and bring about many different types of images to the mind. Most words bring about various emotions attached to them. The moment a word is articulated we come up with different types of images .
I think that the word "HOPE" is the sweetest and most beautiful word we can come up with. With Hope comes Love, God, Beauty, Success, Happiness and everything else. One may ask how can that be possible. Well I feel that when hope comes Love becomes a reality. Against all odds we will be able to experience this feeling of Love and know that there is this possibility.
Hope also makes God more tangible. Without Hope - God becomes someone, who is unreachable. God becomes someone who is unmerciful and without compassion. But with Hope, God is the most wonderful being who is all embracing and understanding.
Beauty is added on to the word Hope. Yes, hope gives us the inspiration to feel the beauty within us and around us. Hope puts a silver lining to the dark clouds. Hope brings a vision to the desperate. Hope gives a new meaning to life. Hope gives us a reason to go on in this life. Hope is a splendid thing. Hope makes everything and anything possible.
Therefore I consider that the most beautiful word in any language and any culture is HOPE.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
We seem to be spending so much time on the computer that I think we live in a different world. It has been quite a while since I came out to see the real world. This is becoming quite an addiction.
The touch of the keypad is exciting. Writing used to be the norm, those days. But now with the computer keypads, an upgraded version of the typewriter, writing becomes easier. Writing and being able to delete the unwanted stuff, while changing and doing so many different effects has become so much easier.
This reminds me of "The Canvas" that I wrote about earlier. This whole space is given to us to explore. Creating becomes fun too. The computer is amazing. I am finding out this late! Yes, writing is like an art too. For a painter, the colors, brushes, and the canvas allow him to come out with incredible pieces. The same thing applies to a musician. He may even become amazed with the unimaginable music he comes up with. Every one, who indulges in a creative fashion in fact, becomes a "creator".
Well creation is something incredible. The feeling is exciting. Imagine a child making a sand castle or trying to paint a picture. You can imagine the awesomeness of the whole thing. Each time you upload a picture or create your own stuff, the feeling is a child like jubilation.
My mind irresistibly goes towards the "CREATOR". Too much of a taboo for some, but I feel that this being or thing or whatever you want to call is also creating continuously. A very controversial subject, but I can't help pondering over it though. I am glad that I have passed those forbidden zones and times in my life and you could say I do feel quite comfortable in contemplating and questioning my mind about the Creator!
But this whole thing aside, I sometimes feel that we are totally living in our minds. This is an interesting subject that I want to go into later. I seem to be making the mistake of getting irritated when the phone rings. It puts a stop to the flow of what I am doing. Whether what I am doing is really important is another subject of discussion though!
Well right now, I need to go off to do my daily mundane stuff. Till next time…….