Friday, January 9, 2009


When Love embraces me,
No work is menial,
When Love engulfs me,
No task is mundane.

No act is a sacrifice,
No job seems tedious.
No pain is felt somehow,
Only pure joy left to be known.

Many people have this habit of complaining about their jobs. There is a tendency in parents to complain about their responsibilities. One of my friends was going on as usual about how much he was sacrificing to support his family. He felt sore that no one in his family understood his predicament. Neither his wife nor his children !

This is the same song sung by almost everyone of us. Suddenly this small verse about Love started forming in my head one day while I was driving. It struck upon me how true it was that we fail to understand what work is all about. We take this act to be burdensome. Since we assume that our responsibility to our family, society and nation is forced upon us, we feel the pain and burden heavily.

Somehow, we fail to comprehend that whatever we see around us is a gift given to us for a short period of time. Our parents, spouses, children, friends and almost everyone and everything surrounding us are precious gems to be cherished ! While these relationships last for however long they may be, we need to feel joy in performing our duties towards them. How wonderful it will become if we could only realize that Love is the only factor needed to sail through our lives smoothly and painlessly.

Mundane tasks like cooking, driving the kids to school, taking our parents for a stroll or spending time with an elderly person will no longer be demanding but rather become acts of love and joy.

Surprisingly I happened to come across a verse from Kahlil Gibran which puts this so aptly :

"Work is love made visible. And if you cannot work with love but only with distaste, it is better that you should leave your work and sit at the gate of the temple and take alms of those who work with joy".
-Kahlil Gibran

When Love embraces me,
No work is menial,
When Love engulfs me,
No task is mundane.

No act is a sacrifice,
No job seems tedious.
No pain is felt somehow,
Only pure joy left to be known.

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