Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Someone who carries you in her womb and brings you into the world. Someone who cares for you day and night and watches over you. A mother is that special someone whose every thought is on her child. And I too have a mother, someone sweet and eccentric at the same time.

As a child, I remember her being my mentor and friend. My friends used to say that we were awfully lucky to have her for a mom. They even wished that in their next birth they wanted her as their mother ! I adored her with all my heart and thought that she was the most awesome mother in the world. I felt like the luckiest person on earth to have someone so incredible and adorable as my mother.

She gave so much of importance to our character building. I remember her reading to me many books and explaining the moral values of each one of them. She would always say that real success was not in money or positions but in upholding good values in life.

As time went by and I grew older, I began to notice her shortcomings. I started observing that she was not as perfect as I thought she was.

My sister and I used to get really worked up when she gave away our things. She had this unique quality of giving away anything if someone came to her with a sorry plight. I remember telling her off as a teenager to donate only things belonging to her. I was upset when she had given away my favorite dress to someone we knew. I told her to donate her things and let us donate ours !

There are times that none of our friends will understand us when we complain about her. Can there be something called too much of giving ? Everyone who knows her comes to her defense and we daughters will invariably be put at fault !

I soon started to criticize her and complained about her faults to her. She was quick to rise to her defense. Somehow she felt that on the contrary, she was quite right ! I started to compare other mothers and told her how they were better mothers than her. How they gave so much of importance to the material aspects of their lives unlike her.

When I became a mom myself, I started to feel ashamed of my selfishness. Even after all my criticisms she responds to me with a childlike nature. Someone who rarely keeps grudges and forgives easily, she humbles me again and again and still continues to teach me simplicity and humility.

I began to understand what she must have endured.I do not find myself sacrificing my time and energy for my kids as she had done for us. What a courageous warrior she is! A strong person who never gives up hope, Mother is always quick to come out of any situation. She puts me to shame when I drool in self pity!

Today I can proudly say that she has taught me many things and above all she has taught me dignity and taught me to give uttermost importance to good values in my life. She has taught me never to give up but to walk forward positively.

As I have matured and grown wiser, I have come to understand that she is the sweetest angel from heaven. Mother has a gentle and childlike quality. Quick to forgive, she has a very loving disposition. She showers everyone around her with so much of love that whoever comes in contact with her will be invariably drawn by her benevolent nature.

Mother - Thank You for being who you are !

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