Thursday, February 5, 2009

Rhythm of the Heart

East meets West. A suberbly arranged and performed piece by V.S. Narasimhan.
A new approach to Mokshamu Galada one of my favourite Kritis, which never fails to amaze me each time I hear it being performed.

Mokshamu Galada - The strings of my heart are plucked to the rhythm of this piece by Tyagaraja in Ragam Saramathi.

Is salvation attainable by anyone in this world, who has not realised the Self? Are you not, Lord, ever ready to vouchsafe your vision to those intensely yearning for it? Is Beatitude attainable by anyone who has not experienced the profound ecstacy of devotional music?

The vital force praaNaa and anaala, fire, combine to generate praNava, the Omkaara (sound of Om). From that Omkaara, the seven musical notes emerge. To those who cannot intuitively perceive the mind of Shiva, who worships naada through the VeeNa, is salvation attainable?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As The violin being one of my favourite instruments; tears started to dwell in my eyes as soon as I listened to this wonderful combination of western and Indian classical music.
Thank you so much for the post.